Saturday, January 31, 2009

The little one....

Here is our ultrasound pic from 21 weeks (I'm currently 24 weeks pg). {Sorry for the delay!}
For those who don't know, we aren't finding out what we're having, so if you see something in this pic, you're better than the technician :) At this point we are just grateful to have a healthy baby with a four chambered heart, intact kidneys, and split brain (yes, I'm a medical geek). Looking forward to meeting this chiciringo!
{strangely enough, this post is for my Mom, who flew out to Cuba for some sun and relaxation today and won't see this for a week... sorry Mom!}
And a special shout out to my friend Carissa for scanning the pics... you rock girl!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Holidays - Canadian Style

Maple Leafs vs. Penguins in Mellon Arena. Driving through snow storms. Presents. Mincemeat tarts. Wearing multiple layers in frigid temps. Snow, snow, snow. Rain. More snow. Christmas crowds. Cafe Mocha. Climbing through snowbanks to find the car at the mall. Nanamo bars. Christmas movies. Giving. Family. Love. Excitement. Opening stockings. Hot tea. Cranberry pudding. Christmas Vacation. Turkey soup. Canasta with Grandma. Mary Brown's taters. Skating. Laughing. Carter Christmas. Wi Bowling. Breakfast at Cora's. Baby Mitchell presents. Swiss Chalet. Snow tubing. Hot chocolate. Frost bitten toes. Days in the car. Christmas holidays 2008.

at Mellon Arena

Yeah baby!!

Samantha & Cole

Cole & Judy

Yes, it's true
the Ontario sister: holds the wall while skating...
the Alabama sister: not a chance!!

cheerleader pose!!

love this pic of Samantha..

Brett & Cole

Who doesn't need help getting their skates off?

The Carter/Smith girls
Jennifer, Janette, Kathy, & Judy

Mom bowling!

This is truly a photogenic moment...
Mom & Auntie Erma showing Dad & Uncle Vern (the techies) how to use the Wi remotes :)

I love how Davis is peeking up into this pic!

New Years Eve: the chalet at Snow Valley
I love how this turned out blurry - that's how tired we all were after tubing out in the cold!